Friday, June 19, 2009

They call me...

hei gyes. pweeeston chekinng in hew.
i say you gyes justs kall me yowr financhial planerrr, cuz eim all abouut rollovvers!

dnof2iqn0c3cn9-rjfgioj09jf89hf0-3-92 <--- Preston didn't want to let me and 20iiefonkaooknd Reagan back on the computer so 20h3f-92-0iqnc09inkf... he keeeeps preoskasnoi3n0i-293845h pressing buttons! Just so you know, this was not a simple fluke...multiple rollovers have occurred since this video was taken. I am a witness. Reagan is a witness. That is all.


Jess said...

nice slobber. looks like he's giving Jack a run for his money.

Mary Jane said...

I can't believe it! He is so cute. Thanks for sharing the moment with us!

Clint and Kandi said...

HOLY COW THAT IS ONE STRONG BABY BOY! Kanon and I just watched him about ten times.......this is the greatest movie weve seen this week!

Hanna said...

I mainly like the drool hanging off of his lip...

Tyler and Carisa said...

YaY!!! Next stop crawling... then coasting... then walking! You ready for that?!?!?! =D

JONES GANG!!! said...

NICE!!! good job Preston. what a stud!!!

Spencer Foote said...

Hes rollie pollie ollie hes small and fat and round! haha love it and you guys!

makunger said...

eeeee! that is so much fun to watch! You guys are darn cute parents.