Friday, January 30, 2009


To level the playing field...

A liberal is someone who is open minded towards new ideas and different lifestyles. The exact definition of "liberal" is a government or political party associated with ideals of high individual freedom. A conservative is a person who favors maintenance of the status quo or reversion to some earlier status. Because of this conservatives are often put down because of their reputed closed minds and out dated views on the world. What makes me cringe is the people who are criticizing the conservative position are THE LIBERALS who should, by definition, love and let live ALL the different beliefs of every political position. Just because someone believes that same sex marriage should not be legalized, or that adoption not abortion is the better choice does not mean their minds are closed nor their views out dated, and no one should see it as such.

There are some conservatives that take their parents political position as their own rather than studying to form individual views and ideas, BUT we can not and should not assume that liberals do anything different. It has been proven in study after study that how we are raised affects our view of the world around us, no matter what we do to counteract this, it is a fact of life. Conservatives are said to be uneducated and liberals are said to be highly educated, but what does this matter. Our own ideas, minds, thoughts, hearts should be be what forms our opinions on politics, not education and not parents. Therefore we should never criticize a person for believing something different than ourselves. Debate and persuade, yes, but slander, chastise, and reprimand, NEVER. Do what you believe is right, and never look down on others for doing the same.

This post DOES represent my views on current politics.


Mary Jane said...

Well said! You go girl!

Clint and Kandi said...

Way to think freely and not let anyone tell you that you aren't.... just because you have an opinion. right arm man...

Taylor said...

bm bm bm bm bm bm bm bm (beat boxing the prison break theme to set the tone). holla back i agree with you?--- DOES ZACH HAVE BIG BICEPTS-ISES...HECK YES HE DOES.