Another round of finals unscathed. Lucky...
Very Lucky.
Preston kept us entertained throughout the week. He can always find a way to make us smile and laugh.
Baby girl made her first noticeable appearance tonight by pushing out on my stomach, HARD. Matt got to feel it! Beatrice, Daphne and Fawn are our favorite names so far. Matt keeps trying to talk me into liking Millicent ... I just can't do it.
Matt passed all his classes with A's and B's!!!! He told me that he didn't think he'd be able to do it this go round, but he did! My smart little cookie.

(though there is slight resemblance, the man pictured is not matt)
I am working hard on my own schooling this week. I am on my last assignment before the final! Once I take the final I will hopefully be formally accepted to the Bachelor of General Studies Online program. I am quite excited, there are some classes that will be very fun to take.
These next couple weeks are to be FILLED with lots of family time, projects, and a bug bombing of our house. For some reason this summer we have SOOO many spiders in our house. Preston's poor little legs have been eaten a few times. Matt had a spider IN his pants some how and received 9 huge bites within 15 minutes. I've been lucky enough to only have a few bites but they are always in the worst places. On my toe, my ankle, my elbow, the back of my hand. Blah. BUGS BE GONE! soon ... very soon.
Adding to our list of requirements for where we will live is a Papa Murphy's and a Whole Foods. We had pizza for dinner tonight with cheese!! Yes, even Matt ate it! The cheese of course was a substitute, but it was actually very good! I have to say, that Matt is a trooper, I would not survive with out milk products.
STORY OF THE WEEK: Preston's newest tricks are praying, and flipping upside down off the couch.