you know, i realized something about myself this past week. its kind of significant. i think that it has been brought on by my fast paced morning routine. ill get to what im really blogging about after i tell you of one struggles ive had. i wake up at 6:30. well, in the past i would wake up at 6:30. I would hurry and get ready so i could make my journey to school and learn all about how thrilling organic chemistry is...BOO. i found that i would get there FAR too early...i mean so early that i was the first one in there. why did it take me 4 months to realize this pattern? i think it had to do with it being early and me being half out of it most the time.
i decided to wake up later, hurry my routine and get to school with 30 seconds to spare. well the first day i tried it and found out that the later you arrive to school, the further out you have to park! so tack on 3 minutes of walkin time and you have me being 2 1/2 minutes late. youre thinkin "oh wow thats nothin, i get to chuch 10 minutes late and im feelin good!" well thats a lot of time in organic chemistry.... which makes me think that i want to ask a rhetorical question. In the days of your schooling, were you late to class much? if not, are you late to church? if yes, do you continue that today with your church attendance? if youre a smart alek and chose to answer in your head with a comment like "what can i say to throw off what hes trying to get across? .... OH! meeh! i never went to class! how bout that!?" well, you my friend need a friend. um.... where was i? oh. so needless to say, i had to tweak the timing a bit. I tweaked the timing. Turns out leaving a bit earlier means traffic is worse. come on! 2 minutes earlier and traffic is that much worse? so the next day i leave even earlier; traffic was good, parking was good; 5 minutes to spare. fine. i was ok with 5 minutes. the next day i didnt go to school cuz of my previous accomplishment.
i told you all of this just so i could set in your mind the timing
that i have set out for each day, and thus leads me to what i realized about myself. i eat like a chipmunk.

if youve lived with me, or even if you havent, you know that i HATE eating noises. bad things go through my head when people dont have mouth manners. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thinking about it enrages me so ill stop. i am proud to say that i havent chipmunked anything since ... this morning.