Saturday, October 25, 2008

results are in...

"It takes a man to make a man" a wise man once said to me. i asked, "how is this so?" and he replied, "because i said so." i inquired to know the wise mans true name and he replied "Chadwick Calvert." the earth quaked and winds howled... or maybe that was the train passing by work...

for all those who guessed that we would be having a girl, im sorry. i was probably the one who persuaded you to think that. turns out i dont have any super-powers to tell the gender of a pre-natal baby.

we are excited and extremely grateful for our baby, our home, our family and friends. mike and katie unger just came to visit. as reagan and i fell asleep we thought about locking them in our home so they would remain captive and be our friends every day...i can only think of a few people i would actually want to do that with, but this is getting awkward. i was goin to say that they have seen reagan 18 weeks along, and you all haven't, so for the sake of you beautiful they are. Weeks 1, 8, 12, 18.


Mary Jane said...

I am seeing a and pregnant! We are excited! Keep up the good work.

Hanna said...

Dang it! We guesses girl as well. Looks like our super powers are lacking just as much as yours.

Hanna said...

quessed not guesses...

Taylor said...

REAG! You are so cute! I want to see some sonogram pictures too!

Nick & Steph said...

Yay for little boys! Congratulations! You look great!

Tyler and Carisa said...

I think there was something in the water - because i had three baby showers this past weekend and they were all having boys... =D

I'm so excited for you both!! More posts please... i want to know all the details! And i'm with Tay - sonogram pictures please!!!

heather said...

Yay! I found your blog from Michelle's! How exciting that you're having a boy!! Boys are SO much fun - definitely a hand full, but extremely worth it!! Congratulations!!

The Dawg Pound said...

I would have definitely said a boy...that's always the luck at least with me. So cute, now tell her to gain some weight. Love ya guys, teresa

Scooter said...

wow! you are having a minimatt. congrats man! ps - i finally found your blog! i owe you a call as well.