Here are our fall favorites.
Preston loves the song "Give Said the Little Stream" by Insideout. It's his happy song. He is gangster with daddy a lot. His favorite spot is outside. He would rather be on the floor scooting than being held (unless he is tired). He is growing his eye teeth now ... soon we will feed him steak (Jessica). He still sings himself to sleep at night. He is always so happy when dad gets home. He is bigger than his friend Brady, and is three months younger. His favorite time of day is bath time. And he is still working on crawling ... any day now, any day.
His stats: 30" tall (2.5 feet!!)
25.5 pounds
both of which are above the 97th percentile for his age
and he is in the 50th percentile (average) ...
for a 12 month old.
We love our little man.